On Sept 17, 2022 12 club members ventured out on an 8 – 9 hour outing on an overcast and smoky day to Kananaskis country, led by photographer Joe Desjardin. This was a privilege, as Joe Desjardin is a Master Photographer in Nature (MPN) with Master Photographers International (MPIO), plus has many publications, locally and nationally including years of experience photographing wildlife and in K-Country.
Our outing with Joe Desjardin involved
Troll Falls
Wedge Pond (by Mount Lorette)
Highwood Pass and Area.
Mount Engadine, Shark Mountain
Kananaskis spillway.
Troll falls:
At the start of the day we headed out on an easy 1-2km trek to Troll Falls, we crossed paths of very recent Grizzly bear activity in the area within the first few minutes. Arriving at Troll Falls, the overcast skies provided diffused lighting opening an opportunity to take a variety of landscape photography. This included long exposure photography that captured water in various states of motion. With the trail construction completed, the hike to the upper waterfalls was more accessible than in the past which several members took advantage of.
Wedge Pond:
Stopping at Wedge Pond provided an opportunity for a quick break for lunch followed by some photography. Unfortunately, due to the exceptional hot summer and warm fall, the autumn colours were not happening. However, there were still opportunities to take full advantage of the lush green scenery at the foot of Mount Lorette and the iconic reflections off of Wedge pond.
Highwood pass and area:
A quick peek into Highwood pass area to see the Marmots and Pikas. The marmots were not present, but we were able to see and photograph some of the local fleeting Pikas. Due to the light rain, this was a short stop.
Mount Engadine, Shark Mountain.
Late in the afternoon, we continued on a provincial maintained wash board road (some members called it the car wrecking road). En’route we did see a car in the ditch that rolled over. When we arrived at Shark Mountain it was around the start of the Golden hour and we met several photographers, including accomplished international photographers who were taking landscape photography.
Kananaskis Spill over
The day ended at the Kananaskis’s spillway for sunset photography. The smoke and overcast continued to eliminate the golden skies but provided a unique photographing opportunity to capture unique layering effects. As the day wrapped up and the blue hour approached, several owls made their presence known, stating “you can hear us, but you cannot see us.”
Overall members came away with outstanding photography and a day of beautiful photographic opportunities (as seen in this blog). Wildlife photography was limited, as the only animals seen was limited to a few deer and Pikas. (Animals known presence, was a Grizzly scat, and auditory hoots of owls).
We like to thank Joe Desjardin for the success and for mentoring this outing along, with the members who both participated and shared their unique voice as photographers.