To inspire and teach all types of photography
(Please fill out and submit form)
*This information is collected exclusively for the Cochrane Camera Club and will not be otherwise distributed or sold.*
Dues Paid via E-transfer:
E-transfer to Cochranecameraclub@gmail.com
Membership year is from September until June
Fees: $40.00 per member/ $60.00 per family
If membership starts January to April, $30 single / $30 family.
If membership starts May or June, full fee paid, but membership fee covers remainder of current year and the following year
By joining the Cochrane Camera Club, I understand that photos might be taken of me by
various members and I agree that such photos can be used by the Cochrane Camera Club as it chooses, including posting on the Cochrane Camera Club website and/or social media, advertising, and/or submitting to the press as part of an advertising campaign or news story.
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