The Cochrane Ranchehouse is nestled in a coulee just north of town in a classic western setting. The building is massive and built as a traditional post and beam log structure—what better place to host a photographic exhibit by local photographers!
The venue was generously provided by the City for 30 Camera Club photographers to showcase our finest images, and welcome in the public. Despite unsettled fall weather, about 300 visitors came out to view our work.
Wendi Forster, our president, assembled a team of members to handle the varied and vital tasks needed to make this a success, from multimedia advertising to actual setup.
November 9th was the day of our show, and we were ready!
Our members brought forward their best work. As before, the photography was creative, varied and very well presented. The visitors were suitably impressed with the technical and creative effort we put into the show! We had a door prize draw, and in keeping with the season, a Remembrance Day poppy box at the entrance. Many visitors took home purchased artwork for their homes and possibly as Christmas gifts for others.
We applaud the participating members for their efforts and fine work, and all our members for coming out in support of us. We also thank the City for providing such a perfect venue for our show. Wendi and her team did a stellar job of setting it all up.
Events like this bring our club members together with our common interest in photography. While our chosen subjects are diverse and varied, our willingness to share our techniques and creative talents is a big part of our club values. Expect another show and sale in the spring! Until then we have lots of photo outings to take part in—this will provide new opportunities to get those special photographs!